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Children ranging from ages two to four are eligible for enrollment in the Montessori Classrooms. Applications are accepted regardless of race religion, national origin, sex or ability. All children are enrolled on a first come first served basis depending on the availability of space and the date of the application for admission. 

The GA Lottery-funded Pre-K Program enrolls four-year-olds during the month of March, only 22 spaces are available.

Applications for enrollment are available at A.J. Ward Montessori Preschool, Inc. and should be completed and returned to the office. Completed applications for care will be processed by the staff immediately. If an opening is not available, the family will be placed on the waiting list. The family will be notified when an opening becomes available.

Before admission, parents or guardians should tour the school and talk with the Director and teacher about the program. The parent or guardian of the child to be admitted must complete the following enrollment information forms before the enrollment process can be completed:

1. Application

2. Release Form

3. Emergency Information Form

4. Student Medical Form

5. Child Care Immunization Certificate

6. Tuition Agreement

7. Food Program Form

8. Transportation Form (if applicable)



A one-time registration fee is due when your child enrolls in the center. The first actual day that your child is in attendance at the center is considered the enrollment date. A re-entry fee will be charged if a parent/guardian withdraws their child and re-enroll them back into the program after two months have passed.


A supply fee will be charged each February.

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