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The staff of the A.J. Ward Montessori Preschool, Inc. welcomes you and children to our school. We believe that children have a natural desire to learn and hat our role is to help them discover their world by providing them with a well-equipped environment full of enriching experiences. Our primary goal is to offer the children the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential in all aspects of personal growth at their own individual rates of development. A.J. Ward Montessori School, Inc. is designed to serve children ages 2 years to 11 years of age.

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The method respects individual differences.

The learning process is student-centered and emphasizes self-motivation.

Multi-age grouping is practiced so that students may learn "horizontally" from observations of other people's work, directly or indirectly.

Students learn by practicing their subject matter while in school, under the supervision and assistance of their teacher

The classroom is used as a library or resource room for studying and completing projects; students are free to move as needed and are active participants in building their own knowledge.

Students avail themselves of concrete materials, scientifically designed to enhance conceptual thinking. The materials are graded by difficulty and adapt to the maturity of individual students. These tools bring about knowledge based on experience.

Students learn at their own pace, free to complete a project or pursue a subject as deeply as they wish, according to personal enthusiasm. 

Testing is built into the Montessori method as the third period of the "three-period lesson" and is a technique that is applied routinely on an individual bases. The purpose of all testing here is to allow self-correction, rep

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